The goal of our podcast is to discuss with driven, human-centric, entrepreneurs about challenges they've overcome.
But not in a "let's get sucked up into your drama" kinda way. More like a "that shit sucked but we got through it, here's how" kinda way.
We want to know all the things.
What was the story? What was the head game you played with yourself? What were the seemingly impossible situations that you overcame because of the tools you had? How did you go from victim to victor? How did this chaotic storm of a story set you up for the work you do today?
Soon enough we will grab drinks together, sit down, and have a cozy chat about how crazy life is and how much crazier it is that we can change it....when we apply the tools that help us navigate the inevitable chaotic waters of life.
Soon enough we will grab drinks together, sit down, and have a cozy chat about how crazy life is and how much crazier it is that we can change it....when we apply the tools that help us navigate the inevitable chaotic waters of life.
This was completely written by a human being. No AI was involved in the creation of this masterpiece. If you feel words like "chaotic waters of life" or "most anticipated podcast in history" feel conceived by a psychotic robot in silicon valley somewhere rest assured you are very, very wrong. I am all human, all day, every day. And you have so much more of my genius catch phrases, ideas, thoughts, and brilliant rambles to come. Talk with you soon.